
Welcome to Little Discoveries - Where every child is a star !

Every star is unique and so is every child.
At Little Discoveries, our learning is Big.

We understand that children at this early age are at the pinnacle of exploration, discovering the world one step at a time. Their minds are constantly absorbing new experiences from the environment they live in. Their discoveries might be little, but they are highly crucial in developing their personalities and is a very big part of their lifelong learning.

Therefore, when they step into their first world of learning, we make sure to provide them the perfect home away from home and make learning fun and enjoyable. 

Our Children enter the school with small steps but leave behind big footprints of learning. 

Our XSEED curriculum is an activity-based learning curriculum and is the foundation of our learning program at Little Discoveries. It enables every child to build critical thinking skills and develop problem-solving confidence. This, coupled with our positive, nurturing school atmosphere ignites a love for lifelong learning.

Our low mentor-child ratio allows us to make our parents co-educators and work together towards developing our child’s learning future together.

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Why Choose us?

Activity Learning

Activity- based learning


First XSEED Pre-school in Kerala


Open and nature-oriented campus


25:1 Student-Teacher Ratio

Here’s What Our Little Ones’
Parents have to say!

I’m elated to say that my son is an alumnus of Little Discoveries.

As an institution, it has played a fundamental role in shaping little Mukund’s thoughts, inspiring him to think beyond the four walls.

It equipped him with the right interpersonal skills and confidence to share his views and express his thoughts.

Little discoveries moulded his fresh mind in a holistic way reflecting in both his academic and co-curricular activities.

Thank you, Little Discoveries, for making this journey a beautiful and memorable one!

Hema Nair

Hema Nair

Mukund’s Mom

Little Discoveries has turned out to be the biggest blessing for my kids. My son was taught by Miss Sheenu for LKG and UKG. My boy, who was shy and crying in his first week of kindergarten, is now a confident speaker on stage at Loyola School. He is now in grade 6.

Following my son’s successful nurturing by Little Discoveries, I entrusted them with my daughters – Serene and Aileen as well. Little Discoveries has stunned me with their contribution to their development. Serene is the life of every class and school she has been so far. Aileen quietly works her way to the top.

Little Discoveries – staff and management helped me have a positive impression of Kozhikode.

Joseph Daniel

Joseph Daniel

Nathan, Serene and Aileen’s Dad

“Be yourself; everyone else is taken.” (Oscar Wilde). A firm belief in the tenet that each child is special and abiding by these principles are virtues that attracted us towards the Idiscoveri school (now Little Discoveries) in the year 2010 when our daughter Ananya was 3 years old.
Having been educated mostly outside Kerala with the privilege of attending some of India’s most accomplished institutions, it was with a lot of apprehension and some amount of trepidation that Monisha and I approached the topic of early education for our daughter Ananya in Calicut. But the alacrity with which Samia and her team of the most endearing teachers welcomed us, put us at ease almost instantly and we were assured of our daughter’s early education under the best possible circumstances. Well trained at the Idiscoveri methodology of teaching- that is mostly experiential as opposed to regimentally academic, I do earnestly believe that Little discoveries is the perfect place to help develop and nourish little minds. With the benefit of wisdom in hindsight, I can certainly say with conviction that it was amongst the best decisions we as parents have taken.

Monisha and Sibi

Monisha and Sibi

Parents of Ananya

To this day we are truly glad that Anushka’s first exposure to school environment was at Little Discoveries. The foundation for her independence, enthusiasm to experience all activities, even to this day, can surely be attributed to the seamless blend of home and school environment, combined with the dynamic curriculum which provided a nourishing atmosphere for learning.

The truly caring and inspiring teachers had left such an impression that even after six years of leaving your pre school, when asked in a questionnaire as to “ list a few teachers who aided your journey to school,” Anushka listed all her Preschool teachers.

We are forever grateful to you.

Hema Sathian

Hema Sathian

Anushka Ishana’s Mom

Our Programs

Pre Kg

2.6 yrs onwards


3.6 yrs onwards


4.6 yrs onwards

Day Care

2.6 yrs onwards

Key Features

Inclusive Education

Xseed trained mentors

First Xseed school in kerala

Transportation Available

Holistic Brain Development

Monthly Learning Planners

Parental Involvement

Little Discoveries App


At Little Discoveries, we ensure your child explores and nurtures their hidden talents through many fun extra-curricular learning opportunities.
Book Week
Book Week

What better way to enjoy books than by bringing them to life with character dress ups, puppet stories and story reading by mothers. Book Week introduces them to the language of storytelling, rhythm and rhyme, supporting their attention, and enhancing their listening skills. It also helps them to build empathy and have higher levels of creativity and imagination.

Annnual Day
Annual Day

The Annual Day Celebrations explore themes like “Once upon a time” where stories and fairy tales come to life as our children showcased a colourful evening of their favourite fables to Save Animals From Extinction (SAFE) with a message of saving and protecting our wildlife, this event helps bring out every child’s talents and help them express it with a wide range of activities.

Graandparents Day
Grandparents Day

“A Grandparents love will never grow old”. The support and love of grandparents is forever cherished and our Little Discoverers make this day extra special for their grandparents by displaying their love and affection through performances and cheering them on as they watched them participate in fun games.

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    Let your child experience a whole new world of learning.